17 private links
Use the init_arg
attribute configuration (see "Constructor parameters" in Moose::Manual::Attributes):
package SOD::KuuAnalyze::ProdId;
use Moose;
has 'users' => (
isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', is => "ro",
init_arg => undef, # do not allow in constructor
my ($relpath) = $abspath =~ m#/var/ftp/(.*)$#;
$randInt = Math::NumberCruncher::RandInt(10,50);
Returns a random integer between the two number passed to the function, inclusive. With no parameters passed, the function returns either 0 or 1.
These days, public discussion can seem really difficult and painful. Trolls making deliberately destructive comments, exaggerated dramatic statements and even abuse seems common, whether the discussion is online or in-person.
Many of us have experienced real pain and suffering in these discussions. How can we stop it?
Individuals and communities can take action to keep honest and valuable discussions from degenerating into useless drama. In this talk, Ruth shares ideas for managing your own perceptions of what is happening in a rancorous conversation. She shares a framework that enables you and your communities to vaccinate your discussions against trolls and drama, reclaiming useful public discourse for us all.
The Perl Foundation (TPF) is passionate about helping our software communities flourish.
Jump in a time machine and let's see some suggestions for how we can improve Perl, Raku and TPF's branding.
use utf8;
does not enable Unicode output - it enables you to type Unicode in your program. Add this to the program, before your print()
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
See if that helps. That should make STDOUT
output in UTF-8 instead of ordinary ASCII.
package Foo {
use Moo;
has a => (is => "ro");
has b => (is => "ro");
my $bar = Foo->new(a => 42);
# Print only 'a'
say $_ for keys %{ $bar }
# Print all attributes
say $_ for keys( %{