17 private links
Le module mod_rewrite utilise un moteur de réécriture à base de règles, basé sur un interpréteur d'expressions rationnelles PCRE, pour réécrire les URLs à la volée. Par défaut, mod_rewrite met en correspondance une URL avec le système de fichiers. Cependant, on peut aussi l'utiliser pour rediriger une URL vers une autre URL, ou pour invoquer une requête interne à destination du mandataire.
mod_rewrite fournit une méthode souple et puissante pour manipuler les URLs en utilisant un nombre illimité de règles. Chaque règle peut être associée à un nombre illimité de conditions, afin de vous permettre de réécrire les URLs en fonction de variables du serveur, de variables d'environnement, d'en-têtes HTTP, ou de repères temporels.
mod_rewrite agit sur la totalité de l'URL, y compris la partie chemin. Une règle de réécriture peut être invoquée dans httpd.conf ou dans un fichier .htaccess. Le chemin généré par une règle de réécriture peut inclure une chaîne de paramètres, ou peut renvoyer vers un traitement secondaire interne, une redirection vers une requête externe ou vers le mandataire interne.
To have a specific package skipped when upgrading the system, specify it as such:
$ yaourt -Syau --ignore foo,bar,baz
For multiple packages use a space-separated list,
$ usermod -a -G group user
If you don't use "-a" it will remove all the groups you belong before
GoAccess' dashboard gives you an overview of server metrics by displaying summaries of different
Pflogsumm is a log analyzer for Postfix. It can mail out a summery on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and is fully configurable. The generated report can show you patterns in email traffic so you can better determine bandwidth limitations, mail server abusers or if your mail server needs to be upgraded. Statistics can be very helpful in showing, for example, when most of your mail is sent or received or if that one mail user is sending out more than their fair share of mail. Pflogsumm will give you the ability to quickly determine what machines on your network are the top (ab)users and the proof to follow up company policies with numbers.
Pflogsumm is a single perl file and its only dependancies are perl, the perl module Date::Calc (which is probably already installed on your system) and the proper location of a Postfix log file.
ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage) is a disk utility for Linux systems. Its name refers to its similar purpose to the du utility, but ncdu uses a TUI under the [n]curses programming library.[1] Users can navigate the list using the arrow keys and delete files that are taking up too much space by pressing the 'd' key. Version 1.09 and later can export the file listing in JSON format.
ncdu was developed by Yoran Heling to learn C and to serve as a disk usage analyzer on remote systems over ssh.
pflogsumm.pl is designed to provide an over-view of postfix activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble spots. The following is an over-view of the reports produced.
find . -iname '*.gz' -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep PATTERN
Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface. It is designed to find space hogs on a remote server where you don't have an entire gaphical setup available, but it is a useful tool even on regular desktop systems. Ncdu aims to be fast, simple and easy to use, and should be able to run in any minimal POSIX-like environment with ncurses installed.
Using manjaro-settings-manager-gui, I managed to upgrade my kernel and fix that stupid "8 minutes boot time".
When you upgrade to a new major version of Perl, the XS modules have to be rebuilt :
$ cpanm --reinstall Broken::Module
When you upgrade to a new major version of Perl, the XS modules have to be rebuilt :
$ cpanm --reinstall Broken::Module
Sometimes, the content of your trash cannot be emptied by your regular user.
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