17 private links
is called after the constructor, which makes it handy to verify state but not necessarily useful to format incoming arguments.
would let you modify incoming arguments before the constructor is called, which makes it a better fit for this case. Your attribute is read-only, so this could work.
But... if you're hungry for static typing, why would you stop after promising "this is a string"? If you create a subtype for ISO8601 strings, you can promise "this is a string and it has X format". Even better, you're doing that in a way that's immediately and trivially portable to other attributes.
I rather doubt the regex below will work for you, but I hope it will get the point across:
#define the type
subtype 'iso8601',
as 'Str',
where { /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ },
message { "Not a valid ISO8601 string ($_)" };
#provide a coercion
coerce 'iso8601',
from 'Str',
via { _format_as_iso8601 $_ };
#tell moose to coerce the value
has startdate => (is => 'ro', isa => 'iso8601', required => 1, coerce => 1);
Non-blocking Mojolicious applications have the potential to scale to thousands of concurrent connections.
However, most operating systems are not configured to handle that sort of work out-of-the-box. This page details some of the tweaks your server will likely need before it can successfully handle very high concurrent loads. Note that if any part of your application blocks, much of this advice is premature optimization or even irrelevant.
These tuning parameters are not a substitute for a sane load balancing scheme: they will help get the most out of a single server, but any single machine can and will fall over eventually. One benefit of Mojolicious/hypnotoad is that the multi-process model encourages an application architecture that can be easily scaled across servers (horizontally), and any serious application deployment should be doing exactly that.
We could not find a decent webpage to draw quick line doodles, so here's one.
Meet Porter & Monty, the world’s first Driving Dogs. The dogs, drive cars, specifically altered for them, there are special handles fitted on the steering wh...
NOT my video! Uploaded it becuase i only saw it in one spot on facebook and didnt want to lose it! CHECK OUT MY CLOTHING SITE https://www.xjwonderland.com/sh...
Notre pays se déchire depuis trente ans au sujet du port du voile de certaines Françaises de confession musulmane. Ces femmes sont de plus en plus nombreuses, tant l'influence des prédicateurs extrémistes est très forte. Le sujet est donc grave. Beaucoup de choses sont dites. Mais beaucoup de ces choses sont fausses.Il nous est apparu urgent à nous autres, Français de culture ou de confession musulmane, humanistes, progressistes et féministes, de prendre la parole publiquement.
La régression ne réside pas dans le fait de porter le voile, mais dans celui d’imposer aux femmes une norme vestimentaire.
WikkaWiki is a flexible, standards-compliant and lightweight wiki engine written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages. Forked from WakkaWiki. Designed for speed, extensibility, and security. Released under the GPL license.
WikkaWiki is a lightweight WikiEngine written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages. WikkaWiki is a fork of WakkaWiki, to which a number of new features have been added. It is designed for speed, extensibility, and security. Released under the GPL license.
Welcome to the WikiWikiWeb, also known as "Wiki". A lot of people had their first wiki experience here. This community has been around since 1995 and consists of many people. We always accept newcomers with valuable contributions. If you haven't used a wiki before, be prepared for a bit of CultureShock. The usefulness of Wiki is in the freedom, simplicity, and power it offers.
Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas>
and SVG. With Zdog, you can design and render simple 3D models on the Web. Zdog is a pseudo-3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes. This makes Zdog special.
- Zdog is small. 2,100 lines of code for the entire library. 28KB minified.
- Zdog is round. All circular shapes are rendered as proper circles with rounded edges. No polygonal jaggies.
- Zdog is friendly. Modeling is done with a straight-forward declarative API.
Zdog was designed to bring the simplicity of vector illustration into 3D. Drawing circles and squares is easy and fun. Zdog just adds another dimension.
Don’t let your friends dump git logs into CHANGELOGs™
A change log is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.
“I can’t stop watching this https://t.co/aRJB2QC7XD”
Shut up and write some code.
À propos
Minecraft® à la carte est un service en ligne proposé par IGNfab, permettant de générer des cartes Minecraft à partir des données géographiques de l'Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN) : BD TOPO®, BD CARTO®, RGE ALTI® et BD ORTHO®. Ce projet utilise également les données du Registre Parcellaire Graphique 2017 (RPG).
Comment ça marche ?
Pour générer une carte, il suffit de renseigner :
- Un toponyme situé en France. Une fois le lieu sélectionné, la zone correspondant à la superficie de l'éventuelle carte Minecraft (d'une taille de 5Km x 5Km) s'affiche. Il est aussi possible de vous positionner tout simplement avec votre souris sur l'endroit voulu (et dans ce cas, la superficie sera calculée à partir du centre de la carte).
- Une adresse e-mail valide, qui sera utilisée pour vous envoyer une notification, une fois votre carte prête à être téléchargée. Un lien vous sera ainsi fourni pour récupérer un fichier (au format ZIP) contenant les données de votre carte.
During the reign of Sultan Mehmet IV (r. 1648-87), the Dîvân-ı Hümâyûn (imperial council) would meet every other morning in a domed chamber of the Topkapi Palace. When the Grand Vizier and his ministers had dealt with affairs of state, they would sit down to a magnificent lunch. Like the palace itself, the meal was a microcosm of the Ottoman Empire. There were six courses, each more sumptuous than the last. First came dane, a fragrant rice, known elsewhere as pilaf. Then there was şurba-ı makiyan (chicken soup), followed by çömlek aşi (a delicate stew, made from lamb or beef). After this came a sweet dish, such as baklava or muhalebbi (milk pudding); and, to round it off, there was a kebab or köfte. The centrepiece of the whole meal, however, was börek – a savoury pastry made from yufka (a delicate, filo-like dough) and filled with feta cheese, parsley, chicken, minced meat and, occasionally, a few vegetables, such as potato, spinach, leek or courgette. Delicate yet flavoursome, it was revered as the culinary epitome of Ottoman culture: a taste of poetic refinement, courtly elegance and timeless urbanity.