17 private links
Check out these cool Grafana dashboards that organizations are using and sharing with the public.
This is a language detection webservice. It accepts text and returns result with detected language code and score.
Currently detects 164 languages.
https://thesuper8.bandcamp.com/album/the-audio-manifestoreleased July 8, 2019 all material Ⓒⓟ 2019, Ariel van...
“I've never been more invested in a random internet cat succeeding https://t.co/hB1fxtzZOO”
These scripts are automatically generated from YAML files which can be found under specs/.
The format supports nested subcommands, specifying enums for possible parameters/option values and dynamic completion calling an external command.
The generation is done with the appspec tool (see "Developing" below).
Currently it supports bash and zsh completions.
A distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
An easy-to-use secure configuration generator for web, database, and mail software
Tiny (2 KB) turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. - redom/redom
DevOps is the professional practice of frequent, continued, and iterative improvements through measurable changes, the goal of which is to become a high-velocity organization thus improving business outcomes.
Last Christmas, the inimitable Matt Trout (mst) created an opinionated tour of CPAN where he recommended modules for some common problems. I think its brilliant, useful, and entertaining and I’ve decided to compile a high level overview all on one page in order to create a quick reference.
I’ve tried to distill his wisdom and wit down to a few words. But I recommend clicking the section headers and following the links to Matt’s original posts to see his actual real opinions in their full complexity. This single page can’t replace 16 great posts and he usually includes advice on the best way to use the module. You won’t want to miss that.
<p class="codepen" data-height="265" data-theme-id="light" data-default-tab="result" data-user="yuanchuan" data-slug-hash="YoqWeR" style="height: 265px; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border: 2px solid; margin: 1em 0; padding: 1em;" data-pen-title="Matrix digital rain (animated version)">
<span>See the Pen <a href="https://codepen.io/yuanchuan/pen/YoqWeR/">
Matrix digital rain (animated version)</a> by yuanchuan (<a href="https://codepen.io/yuanchuan">@yuanchuan</a>)
on <a href="https://codepen.io">CodePen</a>.</span>
sql.js is a port of SQLite to Webassembly, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten. It uses a virtual database file stored in memory, and thus doesn't persist the changes made to the database. However, it allows you to import any existing sqlite file, and to export the created database as a JavaScript typed array.
There are no C bindings or node-gyp compilation here, sql.js is a simple JavaScript file, that can be used like any traditional JavaScript library. If you are building a native application in JavaScript (using Electron for instance), or are working in node.js, you will likely prefer to use a native binding of SQLite to JavaScript.
SQLite is public domain, sql.js is MIT licensed.
Sql.js predates WebAssembly, and thus started as an asm.js project. It still supports asm.js for backwards compatibility.
dygraphs is a fast, flexible open source JavaScript charting library.
It allows users to explore and interpret dense data sets.
The chart is interactive:
- you can mouse over to highlight individual values.
- You can click and drag to zoom.
- Double-clicking will zoom you back out.
- Shift-drag will pan.
- You can change the number and hit enter to adjust the averaging period.
- Handles huge data sets: dygraphs plots millions of points without getting bogged down.
- Interactive out of the box: zoom, pan and mouseover are on by default.
- Strong support for error bars / confidence intervals.
- Highly customizable: using options and custom callbacks, you can make dygraphs do almost anything.
- dygraphs is works in all recent browsers. You can even pinch to zoom on mobile/tablet devices!
- There's an active community developing and supporting dygraphs.
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture.
Varnish performs really, really well. It is usually bound by the speed of the network, effectively turning performance into a non-issue. We’ve seen Varnish delivering 20 Gbps on regular off-the-shelf hardware.
One of the key features of Varnish Cache, in addition to its performance, is the flexibility of its configuration language, VCL. VCL enables you to write policies on how incoming requests should be handled. In such a policy you can decide what content you want to serve, from where you want to get the content and how the request or response should be altered. And, you can extend Varnish with modules (VMODs).
C'est une numérotation à cinq chiffres permettant d'acheminer le courier à la commune désirée.
Les codes postaux ont été créés en 1964 par l'administration des PTT, devenu aujourd'hui La Poste. A cette époque son format était à deux chiffres, puis il a changé en 1972 pour être constitué de cinq chiffres. Ce sont ces codes postaux que nous utilisons aujourd'hui.
CodePostal.org se base sur des données OpenData pour proposer cet outil de recherche de code postal. Pour en savoir plus sur les sources des données qui permettent de proposer ce site, visitez la page dédiée.
(flycheck-define-checker perl-project-libs
"A perl syntax checker."
:command ("perl"
"-MProject::Libs lib_dirs => [qw(local/lib/perl5)]"
:error-patterns ((error line-start
(minimal-match (message))
" at " (file-name) " line " line
(or "." (and ", " (zero-or-more not-newline)))
:modes (cperl-mode))
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(flycheck-mode t)
(setq flycheck-checker 'perl-project-libs)))