17 private links
It is now available with the latest PM2 version:
apps : [{
name : 'API',
script : 'api.js',
interpreter : 'node@6.9.1'
A new kind of emoji set. Mutant Standard breaks the traditional conventions of emoji to give you more inclusivity, choice and freedom.
const result = _.map({a: 1, b: 2}, function(value, key) {
return value + key;
Since nobody has added the obvious solution yet which works fine for two comparisons, I'll offer it:
if (foobar == foo || foobar == bar) {
//do something
And, if you have lots of values, then I'd suggest making a Set as this makes very clean and simple comparison code and it's fast at runtime:
// pre-construct the Set
var tSet = new Set([foo, bar, test1, test2, test3]);
// test the Set at runtime
if (tSet.has(foobar)) {
// do something
For pre-ES6, you can get a Set polyfill of which there are many. One is described in this other answer.
Practical advice for managing Imposter Syndrome.
Mike Bostock’s Block 3808218
Jane Pong’s Block 9b9e606e9876e34385cc4aeab188ed73
The missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization.
You can use environment variable.
For example:
1) NODE_PORT=3002 pm2 start -I 0 app.js
2) Read value in app:
Or, if you are build express app:
1) PORT=3002 pm2 start -I 0 ./bin/www
2) Express load PORT automatically at start application.
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