17 private links
JsonResume creates pretty versions of resume from a single JSON input file. Output formats are specifically customized to modern resume templates. Also, there are a ton of customizations to the templates possible, to make your own version of resume created easily and super quickly.
Dans Rester bourgeois : les quartiers populaires, nouveaux chantiers de la distinction, la sociologue Anaïs Collet analyse de manière croisée la gentrification des Pentes de la Croix-Rousse et du Bas-Montreuil. Compte-rendu de lecture de la partie du livre consacrée à Lyon.
Une complainte qui cache un plaidoyer politique.
jQuery and its cousins are great, and by all means use them if it makes it easier to develop your application.
If you're developing a library on the other hand, please take a moment to consider if you actually need jQuery as a dependency. Maybe you can include a few lines of utility code, and forgo the requirement. If you're only targeting more modern browsers, you might not need anything more than what the browser ships with.
At the very least, make sure you know what jQuery is doing for you, and what it's not. Some developers believe that jQuery is protecting us from a great demon of browser incompatibility when, in truth, post-IE8, browsers are pretty easy to deal with on their own.
jQuery and its cousins are great, and by all means use them if it makes it easier to develop your application.
If you're developing a library on the other hand, please take a moment to consider if you actually need jQuery as a dependency. Maybe you can include a few lines of utility code, and forgo the requirement. If you're only targeting more modern browsers, you might not need anything more than what the browser ships with.
At the very least, make sure you know what jQuery is doing for you, and what it's not. Some developers believe that jQuery is protecting us from a great demon of browser incompatibility when, in truth, post-IE8, browsers are pretty easy to deal with on their own.
A per-user emacs daemon service for systemd
Tips for upgrading your configuration
From 3.5 to 4.0
The best advice is to start from the default rc.lua and backport any changes you might have added to your rc.lua. This avoids most of the possible errors due to missing important changes.
To do this, you can download the default rc.lua for 3.5.9 here, and then compare your existing rc.lua with the 3.5.9 default using your diff tool of choice. Write down the changes, then apply these to the 4.0 default rc.lua, which you can find at /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua after the upgrade, or here if you have not yet performed the upgrade.
If you still wish to ignore this advice, first read the NEWS section about the breaking changes. This document assumes you did.
Be warned, even if it looks like it’s working after changing some lines, it wont supports dynamic screen changes and will have many subtle bugs. The changes mentioned below are important for the stability of your window manager.
Here is a diff of the 3.5.9 rc.lua with the 4.0 one. All changes due to new features and new syntaxes have been removed. A – in front of the line correspond to content of the 3.5 rc.lua and + its replacement in 4.0.
This document does not cover the new features added in the Awesome 4 rc.lua, it only covers the minimal required changes to have a properly behaving config.
Security in WordPress is taken very seriously, but as with any other system there are potential security issues that may arise if some basic security precautions aren't taken. This article will introduce you to basic security concepts and serve as an introductory guide to making your WordPress website more secure.
This article is not the ultimate quick fix to your security concerns.
You can use this script to fix wordpress permission:
# This script configures WordPress file permissions based on recommendations
# from http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress#File_permissions
# Author: Michael Conigliaro <mike [at] conigliaro [dot] org>
WP_OWNER=www-data # <-- wordpress owner
WP_GROUP=www-data # <-- wordpress group
WP_ROOT=$1 # <-- wordpress root directory
WS_GROUP=www-data # <-- webserver group
# reset to safe defaults
find ${WP_ROOT} -exec chown ${WP_OWNER}:${WP_GROUP} {} \;
find ${WP_ROOT} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find ${WP_ROOT} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
# allow wordpress to manage wp-config.php (but prevent world access)
chgrp ${WS_GROUP} ${WP_ROOT}/wp-config.php
chmod 660 ${WP_ROOT}/wp-config.php
# allow wordpress to manage wp-content
find ${WP_ROOT}/wp-content -exec chgrp ${WS_GROUP} {} \;
find ${WP_ROOT}/wp-content -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find ${WP_ROOT}/wp-content -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
save it to a file and run it and pass it your wp installation directory:
wget https://gist.github.com/Adirael/3383404/raw/6c5446d56477426faeb709e5b807f00422acdea2/fix-wordpress-permissions.sh
chmod +x fix-wordpress-permissions.sh
sudo ./fix-wordpress-permissions.sh /var/www/html
add to wp-config.php
define('ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '');
define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '');
original source http://wordpress.org/support/topic/cookie-error-site-not-letting-me-log-in
L’Internationale situationniste produit ses travaux théoriques dans sa revue Internationale situationniste. La revue fut également rédigée par Guy Debord, Mohamed Dahou, Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio, Maurice Wyckaert, Constant, Asger Jorn, Helmut Sturm, Attila Kotanyi, Jørgen Nash, Uwe Lausen, Raoul Vaneigem, Michèle Bernstein, Jeppesen Victor Martin, Jan Stijbosch, Alexander Trocchi, Théo Frey, Mustapha Khayati, Donald Nicholson-Smith, René Riesel, René Viénet, etc. 12 numéros furent publiés entre 1958 et 1969. Cette revue était un terrain d’expérimentation discursif et également un moyen de propagande.
Bulletin central édité par les sections de l’international situationniste
Director: G.-E. Debord
Rédaction: Paris
No JavaScript frameworks were created during the writing of this article.
The following is inspired by the article “It’s the future” from Circle CI. You can read the original here. This piece is just an opinion, and like any JavaScript framework, it shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
The ecosystem of JavaScript has grown. Long gone are the days of simply inserting jQuery into your website and fading stuff in or out.
Entering the world of JavaScript today is an overwhelming task with lots of possibilities. It also means that it’s a world that’s brimming with opportunity. In the words of Jeff Atwood (http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-principle-of-least-power/):
Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.
On entend beaucoup parler de liberté d’expression ces derniers temps. Que ce soit quand Dieudonné veut nous apitoyer sur son sort de pauvre antisémite martyrisé, ou plus récemment avec le massacre de Charlie Hebdo. Nous allons donc réfléchir un peu au...
Twitter-like Mastodon client
Première mission pour Mars. Des humains vont poser le pied sur la planète rouge. Entre leurs désirs, leurs rêves, leurs illusions, il y a cette envie désespérée, mêlée de terreur, de faire la rencontre d'une autre forme de vie... Et que se passerait-il à ce moment-là pour eux? Et sur terre?
Development boards and Tools. OLinuXino, Duino, ARM, AVR, MAXQ, MSP430, PIC, DSP
OLIMEX Open Source Hardware Development Boards
Dictionary words that are also unregistered domain names, every 10 minutes. Source: https://github.com/impiaaa/domainhackerbot