17 private links
https://thesuper8.bandcamp.com/album/the-audio-manifestoreleased July 8, 2019 all material Ⓒⓟ 2019, Ariel van...
This is album is dedicated to the sacred ego, that wellspring of individuality and unique complexity. Sing the song of the Inner Voice. Recite the hymns to the Celestial Will. Rebuke all desire to succumb to corrosive idolatry—be it the militancy of extremity, the beneficence of untempered ideology, or the divinity of cherished relationships. Rebuke the impulse to capitulation, to hide beneath of hard shell of callous disregard and secede from the world. We surrender our power only to those worthy of wielding it. And we will not hesitate to strip authority from and war against all those that prove unworthy.
In 1892, an exiled Prince from Russia named Peter Kropotkin published a book titled The Conquest of Bread. In that text, Kropotkin outlined a vision for a free society that allows everyone to have access to food, shelter, clothing, and luxury. In essence, the book is an outline for a world without poverty or repression. This site is a place for Kropotkin’s ideas to be shared! In addition to hosting the entirety of The Conquest of Bread, we give you a short introduction of his ideas and why they are still relevant, as well as some resources to spread this knowledge and help out your community.
Murray Bookchin, écologie ou barbarie
À la mort de Murray Bookchin, en 2006, le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) a promis de fonder la première société qui établirait un confédéralisme démocratique inspiré des réflexions du théoricien de l’écologie sociale et du municipalisme libertaire. Une reconnaissance tardive pour ce militant américain auteur d’un projet égalitaire et humaniste.
On entend beaucoup parler de liberté d’expression ces derniers temps. Que ce soit quand Dieudonné veut nous apitoyer sur son sort de pauvre antisémite martyrisé, ou plus récemment avec le massacre de Charlie Hebdo. Nous allons donc réfléchir un peu au...