17 private links
libimobiledevice is a software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV devices running iOS on Linux without the need for jailbreaking.
nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and Reactjs libraries.
DownloadButton is a simple component for letting the user download a javascript-generated file. It was extracted from Notablemind.
Une BiblioBox est une LibraryBox, déclinaison de la PirateBox. Il s’agit d’un dispositif de partage de ressources numériques (livres électroniques, vidéos, musiques, logiciels, photos, ect..).
La BiblioBox génère un réseau auquel on se connecte en wifi via un smartphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur portable puis on télécharge les contenus disponibles. Sous le capot, c'est des logiciels libres
LibraryBox is an open source, portable digital file distribution tool based on inexpensive hardware that enables delivery of educational, healthcare, and other vital information to individuals off the grid.
- 172 languages and 77 styles
- automatic language detection
- multi-language code highlighting
- available for node.js
- works with any markup
- compatible with any js framework
The linguist <(*) ( > ) that parses text into structured data