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GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
LogRocket is a production Redux logging tool that lets you replay problems as if they happened in your own browser. Instead of guessing why errors happen, or asking users for screenshots and log dumps, LogRocket lets you replay Redux actions + state, network requests, console logs, and see a video of what the user saw.
GoAccess' dashboard gives you an overview of server metrics by displaying summaries of different
Pflogsumm is a log analyzer for Postfix. It can mail out a summery on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and is fully configurable. The generated report can show you patterns in email traffic so you can better determine bandwidth limitations, mail server abusers or if your mail server needs to be upgraded. Statistics can be very helpful in showing, for example, when most of your mail is sent or received or if that one mail user is sending out more than their fair share of mail. Pflogsumm will give you the ability to quickly determine what machines on your network are the top (ab)users and the proof to follow up company policies with numbers.
Pflogsumm is a single perl file and its only dependancies are perl, the perl module Date::Calc (which is probably already installed on your system) and the proper location of a Postfix log file.
pflogsumm.pl is designed to provide an over-view of postfix activity, with just enough detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble spots. The following is an over-view of the reports produced.
find . -iname '*.gz' -print0 | xargs -0 zgrep PATTERN
Something that looks similar to Perl's Data::Dumper in Java.
XML serialization has a myriad of uses, including object persistence and data transport. However, some XML-serialization technologies can be complex to implement. XStream is a lightweight and easy-to-use open source Java™ library for serializing Java objects to XML and back again. Learn how to set up XStream, and discover how to use it to serialize and deserialize objects as well as to read configuration properties from an XML configuration file.
Want to see what's inside a variable in a complete, colored and human-friendly way?
use Data::Printer; # or just "use DDP" for short
p @array; # no need to pass references
Code above might output something like this (with colors!):
[0] "a",
[1] "b",
[2] undef,
[3] "c",
You can also inspect objects:
my $obj = SomeClass->new;
Which might give you something like:
\ SomeClass {
Parents Moose::Object
Linear @ISA SomeClass, Moose::Object
public methods (3) : bar, foo, meta
private methods (0)
internals: {
_something => 42,