17 private links
Zulip combines the immediacy of real-time chat with an email threading model.
With Zulip, you can catch up on important conversations while ignoring irrelevant ones.
Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams. Non dependent on operating systems, Penpot is web based and works with open web standards (SVG). For all and empowered by the community.
LibraryBox is an open source, portable digital file distribution tool based on inexpensive hardware that enables delivery of educational, healthcare, and other vital information to individuals off the grid.
Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) était programmeur informatique, essayiste et hacker-activiste. Convaincu que l’accès à la connaissance constitue le meilleur outil d’émancipation et de justice, il consacra sa vie à la défense de la « culture libre ». Il joua notamment un rôle décisif dans la création de Reddit, des flux RSS, dans le développement des licences Creative Commons ou encore lors des manifestations contre le projet de loi SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), qui visait à restreindre les libertés sur Internet. Au fil de ses différents combats, il rédigea une impressionnante quantité d’articles, de textes de conférences et de pamphlets politiques, dont une partie est rassemblée ici. L’adolescent, qui était déjà un libre-penseur brillant, laisse progressivement place à l’adulte, toujours plus engagé, se prononçant sur des sujets aussi variés que la politique, l’informatique, la culture ou l’éducation, et annonçant nombre de questions débattues aujourd’hui. Tiraillé entre ses idéaux et les lois relatives à la propriété intellectuelle aux États-Unis, harcelé par le FBI à la suite d’un procès intenté à son encontre, Aaron Swartz a mis fin à ses jours à l’âge de 26 ans.
Include .cljs, .cljc and .edn files with the --clojure filetype. Thanks,
Austin Chamberlin.
Added .xsd to the --xml filetype. Thanks, Nick Morrott.
Added support for Swift language. Thanks, Nikolaj Schumacher. (GH #512))
The MSYS2 project is now seen as Windows. Thanks, Ray Donnelly. (GH #450))
Expand the definition of OCaml files. Thanks, Marek Kubica. (GH #511))
Add support for Groovy Server Pages. Thanks, Ethan Mallove. (GH #469))
The JSP filetype (--jsp) now recognizes .jspf files. Thanks, Sebastien
Feugere. (GH #586))
Added --hpp option for C++ header files. Thankis, Steffen Jaeckel.
ack now supports --ignore-dir=match:.... Thanks, Ailin Nemui! (GitHub ticket #42))
ack also supports --ignore-dir=ext:..., and --noignore-dir supports match/ext as well
#Uploading Your First Module to CPAN brian d foy The Perl Review YAPC::EU 2011
- You upload through PAUSE, The Perl Authors Upload Server. This is a stepping stone to CPAN.
- Indexing.
-- PAUSE indexes and creates data files for the CPAN clients
-- Only the latest distributions get into it.
-- People have permissions for namespaces - Get a PAUSE Account
- Choose a [module name](https://pause.perl.org/pause/query? ACTION=pause_namingmodules)
- Permissions.
-- You can upload a namespace someone else already uses.
-- But PAUSE will ignore it.
-- A good name goes a long way. - Create the distro
-- There are modules that can help you
--- Module::Starter
--- Distribution::Cooker
--- h2xs (comes with Perl)
--- many others - 25,000 Examples
-- Look at other distributions to get examples
-- See how other people do it
-- Ask them questions - Github
- Upload
- Upload early & often
-- You don’t have to be perfect, or even good
-- Other people can help as soon as possible
-- CPAN Testers can send you feedback - CPAN Search
- Lots more
-- PAUSE lets you add co-maintainers
-- You can take over existing modules
-- You can help with other people’s modules - Publicize your module
-- Don’t be shy
-- Write something on blogs.perl.org
-- Tweet it, plus it, facebook it
-- Give a lightning talk - Getting help
-- For help with PAUSE issues, write tomodules@perl.org
-- One of the PAUSE volunteer admins can help you
-- For general module questions, you might trymodule-authors@perl.org
-- For CPAN Search issues, trycpansearch@perl.org