17 private links
I sometimes think it would be a great feature, if you could direct one (or more) live_loops (or buffers) to separate outputs - as if a live_loop or a buffer was something like a track or channel.
I have no idea if that is even technically possible and also how I would use such a feature running on my Linux system (allthough I think it should be perfectly possible via Jack).
Right now I am thinking this would make it possible to
prelisten to a running live_loop and further more
you could do some post-mixing
Does anyone share this interest? And is it a feasable feature at all?
% mojo generate lite_app optional
% $EDITOR optional
One could mark the date as optional by giving it a default value of undef
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
get '/vote/:value/*when' => { when => undef } => sub ($c) {
my $value = $c->stash('value');
my $when = $c->stash('when');
format => 'txt',
text => $value . ' ' . ( defined $when ? $when : 'nope' ) . "\n"
which then allows with-or-without the date queries:
% ./optional get /vote/42 2>/dev/null
42 nope
% ./optional get /vote/42/2020/01/07 2>/dev/null
42 2020/01/07
app.get('/:var(bla|blabla)?', todo)
sets the req.param
that you don't use. it's only used in this case to set the regex.
sets the regex to match, so it matches the strings bla
and blablah
makes the entire regex optional, so it matches /
as well.